Hey all,
Thanks God it's Friday....
Hii imekuwa wiki nzuri mnoooo na namshukuru Mungu sana maana ni kwa neema na rehema zake tuu kunifanikishia yote ya wiki hii... Asante Mungu wangu wa Mbinguni!!!
Pamoja na mema mengi aliyonitendea Mungu ni pamoja na kufanikisha kufanya ka'small birthday party ya mwanangu Faith... And here is how ilivyokuwa...
Kwanza kabisa mie huwa napenda to discuss things na wanangu before sija'plan anything...hususani vitu vinavyowahusu kama vile about their birthdays, their sence of style, shule, michezo and outings wanazopenda, n.k..... Huwa napenda nipate ideas zao kwanza then mie ndio na'make the final decision based on ideas zao...
So kama kawaida yetu nikamuuliza Faith what she wanted for her birthday... Hahahaaaa, alinifanya niwaze usiku mzima maana pamoja na ku'edit ideas zake bado zilikuwa ngumu mnooo... Ila ''mama knows better'' so finally nilijaribu kidogoooo to give her what she wanted na nikam'promise next year it'll be better!!!
Eti alitaka awaalike all her new friends, hapo anavyosisitiza all of them nikamuuliza tuu ni kama wangapi akanitajia more than ten names...hahahahaaa!!! Like mother like daughter ila daughter kanifunika kwa kweliiii....ame'make more than ten friends in four months tuu????!!!! wakati mama'ake na kupenda kote huku to make friends eti tokea nimehamia huku makazi mapya nimeshapata only two friends tena hao tuu yenyewe ni kwa vile ni majirani and tunasali kanisa moja, so hukutana Sunday to Sunday mostly ama tuu ile morning ni salamu zile za juu juu...Ila my baby anao tayari more than ten...hahahahahahaa...
Then hataki tufanyie nyumbani coz kuna mafundi(i still do the interior design).. so hataki purukushani za mafundi akiwa na wageni wake unless tuwaambie mafundi wasije siku ya birthday yake.... Hahahahaaa...
Anataka nimuekee red carpet ili apige picha na wageni wake... That got me like whaaaaaaaatttttt???!!! And she was like ''eeeh mamaa mie nasimama mbele then wao wanasimama nyuma yangu tunapiga picha'' then i was owky...kingineee....
Anataka ''cake'' ya strawberries... Nikajua ni flavor so iyo nikamjibu fastaaa kuwa iyo usijali ''Mama T'' will make it for you... Akauliza ''mama T'' anavijua ''vitunda''??? Nikamuuliza ''vitunda gani'' ''vistrawberry''... I was like ''Kiruuuuu, wee mtoto...unamaanisha cake iwe na vitunda vya strawberry na sio flavour???"" akasema namaanisha vyote...flavour na vitunda... Mmmmh...alinikomesha wallah!!! coz availability ya ''vitunda'' kwa Iringa ilikuwa inanitatiza...
Then anataka wale sousage, sambusa, chips na nyama...Wanywe na juice sio soda, hahahahaaa!!!
Apo akamalizia....
Kiukweli niliwazaaa...kwanza hali ilivyo ngumu naanzaje andaa party ya watoto more than ten???? Nianze kutafuta venue au mafundi wasije kisa ni birthday ya Faith...hiyo ngumuuuu!!!
Alafu swala la red-carpet nikalipenda na mie, ila mambo mengi yaani na'wish ningekuwa nimemaliza full nyumba yangu ningem'designia ka'red carpet kazuriiiiii...
Swala la cake nikamtupia mzigo mzima ''Mama T'' and hakuniangusha, maana swala la fresh strawberries hahahahaaa alijua mwenyewe alipoziagiza... And about msosi sikuona tatizo sana coz Faith alichosuggest niliona ni mlo mzuri...ila sasa kwa watoto wote hao mie naanzia wapi??!!
I prayed on it... That's my secrete... nasali tuu then God do the rest...
Baada ya kuamka sasa nikamwambia Faith, fine...we'll do it... Ila since we all really need nyumba yetu iwe full complete hatuwezi waambia mafundi wasije so i'll get her a new venue, small but very nice...one of her favourite place at ''Joy's''
And about red-carpet pics nikamwambia iyo tutafanya next year, mama will arrange a very nice place ya yeye kupiga picha na marafiki zake ila kwa sasa nitawanunulia kofia za birthday then watapiga picha zao nje before hatujatoka and it'll feel like wapo in a red carpet...
She'll get the cake and the food of her choice ila tuu akubali kupunguza idadi ya marafiki anaowaalika...and i gave here an advice, 3 new friends and 3 old ones... Total six friends..
Faith is something else...hakubali kitu kirahisi, just like me ila finally tulikubaliana... Hahahaaa!!! ''mama akashinda'' na wote tukawa na furaha...
And here comes a red-carpet things za ki'old-fashion..hahahaha!!!
From the left hao two girls and the tall boy behind them ndio new friends waliopata bahati ya kualikwa... And the two girls wanaofatana na Faith ni her old friends, apo Fred hayupo in list ya friends so bado one old friend ambaye alikuwepo ila ali'miss the red carpet moment...
Birthday girl with marafiki zake wa siku nyingiiiii...
Huyu ni shost wake wa muda coz wanasoma pamoja pia same school...
Faith & Fred...
Huyu rafiki wanasali nae pamoja Sunday-school...
Faith and mmoja wa marafiki wapya, ni majirani zetu wa huku makao mapya...
Huyu rafiki mpya nadhani amemzoea coz of Fred and ni jirani pia...
My heartbeats...
Baada ya zoezi la red-carpet ya kufoji kukamilika sasa ni kuelekea kwenye venue... hahahahahaa!!! (Don't dare miss birthday ya Faith ya mwakani, maana hii amenifundisha mambo mengi hatareeee... Ancle Magu tuu kabana...#ShikamooMagu)
My car is 8passenger seats from Japan iyo ila kibongo bongo hata 10 tunatoshea...hahahahaa!!!
Birthday girl herself....
From home kuelekea at the venue tukapitia the cake kwa Mama T, the one and only, the besttttttttt mtengeneza cake in Iringa town...
Just the way she wanted... She was veryyyy happy!!
Tukafika at Joy's place...
We got our 3-tables... Two for them kids and one separate table for me and my team... (The team Gf wao walikuwa wageni special for me, not for Faith coz they are my staff, some of them hawapendi kuonekana hapa and i respect ilo)
After sambusa na juice, Faith akasimama tukamuimbia a birthday song... She makes a wish... We light them candles and we ate the msosi...
Msosi tayari mezani...tunamsubiria Faith amalize ku'make wishes zake zooooteeeee!!!
Candles moments.... then kula!!!
This was table no.1
And this table no.2
And this is Emma-son from table no.3 visits table no.1
Table no.1 ipo busy hatareeee....
My one and only... My kila kitu!!!
That is the friend who missed the red-carpet moment... He is an old friend na pia ni class-mate wa Faith...
Birthday girl akihakikisha meza zote wana'have fun...
After kula sasa ni kulishana cake moment... All the thanx to Fred to handle the situation well, maana alikuwa M.C wa kujitolea... Hahahahaaa... It was fun looking at them, yaani it was a priceless moment!!!
Faith akikata cake... Hahahaha, M.C Fred though... sijui ndio kuelekeza ukataji wa cake.... (My girl is left-handed kama mnakumbuka nilishawaambiaga, she does almost kila kitu with her left hand kasoro kula tuu...She always eat na right hand, ila vitu vingine vingi ni left hand...)
Aaaaww... look at the cake, yaani nzuri nje hadi ndani...and ladha yakeee sasaaaa!!! Yammu yummy!!!
Fred akampa Faith nafasi ya kwanza ya kujilisha cake mwenyewe...
Then akamwambia sasa achague nani wa pili kumlisha cake....
Akajichagua tena yeye yeye mwenyewe, hahahaha!!! Chezea mwanangu na cake za ''Mama T''
Akamwambia sasa achague basi nani wa tatu kulishwa cake maana yeye mwenyewe(Faith) ameshakuwa wa kwanza na wa pili...
Si akajichagua tena yeye yeye mwenyewe...lol, yaani alituchekesha sasa ikabidi watoto wote waanze kumuambia tuchague sasa na sisi, maana unaweza ukawa namba moja hadi kumi mwenyewe....
Ndio akaanza kumlisha Fred, and she got a kiss from kaka!!
Then shoga'ake...
Akafata class-mate... then marafiki zake woooteeee wakafatia..(Picha ni nyingi sana wapendwa, nyingine zitakuwaga #TBT)
After zoezi la kula cake kukamilika kwa wote sasa Birthday girl akataka aimbiwe tena huku ana'pose for few pics...
Ila karibuni cake bado ipo ipo..hahahahahaa!!!!
The strawberry-cake...
Ma'picha picha time...
I love them some more....
My girl is four.... #4yearsOldGirl
The little girl in her glittered birthday-costume!!!
Fashionista is Four!!!
Them glitter on fleek...
Little fashionista in red!!
Nimejaribu kadri ya uwezo wangu to tell everything in a summary way ili na nyie m'feel like part of Faith's friends...Maana kiukweli the love we have for you yaani hali ingeruhusu tungewaalika nyie woooteeeee, maana we love our friends as we love ourselves... Ila there is always the next time, so relaxxxx....
Tunawapenda sana sana!!!